Sick Babies -By Sheri
This Mothering journey is hard. Not because it can't be done but because there is never a break or "report card" that you are doing the "right thing." Anyone who knows me knows that I am an excellent student. I have always made honor roll and I have always graduated with honors. Always! So, I struggle in the grayness of "the right thing to do." Because what if my instincts are wrong and what if I ended up somehow not doing the right thing?
These thoughts create feelings of inadequacy and I know they aren't productive.... Case in point, dealing with a sick baby is one such area where I need the study guide. I need the outline, cliff notes, and syllabus to know what to do and in what order. My Gigi has been sick twice now and each time it's hard. She looks at me like, "don't just stand there, do something!" Each time I do feel more and more settled with how to comfort her.
However, each time involves Tylenol and breastfeeding..... What will I do when I'm dried up for good? Who knows.... I know the right thing and perhaps the most important thing to do is to keep her alive by any means necessary.